If you are like most people who find most workout activities boring and tedious or if you’ve had a difficult time finding an exercise regimen that provides a weight loss solution you can stick with, surfing might be the right activity for you.
According to the sports website, Sports Googly, surfing is an exercise for the entire body, particularly your core. A person weighing 150 pounds burns approximately 250 calories per hour. A person must burn about 3500 calories to lose one pound, so figure that a regular surfing workout can quickly lead to a 10-pound weight loss in a few weeks. In addition to a muscle and cardio workout, regular surfing increases your energy and is great for overall fitness levels. Experts refer to it as ‘ocean therapy’ “because you develop your body through the constantly changing movement and height of the waves.”
Weight loss may also happen faster when you surf. Hoisting yourself onto the surfboard from the cold water induces thermogenesis, which raises your metabolism by close to eight percent.

Better still, the results last because of the psychological benefits of surfing. A California State University study found that people who surf feel more tranquil and balanced. Because people are more calm and relaxed after a regular surfing routine, they want to keep the practice going long-term.
San Diego Surf School is the place to come for quality, safe and fun surf lessons for all ages and levels. We can show you how surfing to get fit is not just a sport, but a remedy for life.