Soft Top or Hard Top?

Surfing, an exhilarating water sport, requires the right equipment to ensure an enjoyable experience. When it comes to selecting a surfboard, one of the primary decisions is whether to go for a soft top or a hard top. Each type has its unique characteristics, catering to different preferences and skill levels.


  • Soft Top: Soft top surfboards typically have more volume, making them an excellent choice for beginners. The increased volume provides added stability, making it easier for novice surfers to paddle and catch waves. This feature helps beginners gain confidence and progress more quickly in their surfing skills.
  • Hard Top: Hardtop surfboards generally have less volume, offering a more responsive feel in the water. These boards are favored by intermediate to advanced surfers who seek greater maneuverability and control. The reduced volume allows for quicker turns and better performance in more challenging wave conditions.


  • Soft Top: Soft top surfboards are known for their durability, thanks to the foam construction. This makes them ideal for beginners who might encounter more bumps and collisions while learning. The soft, forgiving surface also minimizes the risk of injuries for both the surfer and others in the water.
  • Hard Top: Hardtop surfboards are typically more prone to dings and damage due to their rigid construction. However, advancements in materials like epoxy and fiberglass have enhanced the durability of hardtops. While they may require more care, modern hardtops can still offer a good balance between performance and longevity.


  • Soft Top: Soft top surfboards are generally more budget-friendly than their hardtop counterparts. This affordability makes them an attractive option for beginners who may not want to make a significant initial investment. It’s an excellent way to test the waters without breaking the bank.
  • Hard Top: Hardtop surfboards, with their more advanced materials and construction methods, tend to be pricier. The cost is justified by their performance capabilities, making them a suitable choice for surfers who are committed to the sport and willing to invest in a long-term, high-performance board.


  • Soft Top: Soft top surfboards often have a wider and more forgiving shape, emphasizing stability over performance. This design makes them well-suited for learning and catching small to medium-sized waves.
  • Hard Top: Hardtop surfboards come in a variety of shapes, including shortboards, longboards, and hybrids, each designed for specific surfing styles. The diversity in shapes caters to surfers with different skill levels and preferences, allowing for more versatility in various wave conditions.

In the eternal debate of soft top or hard top, the right choice ultimately depends on the surfer’s skill level, preferences, and budget. Soft tops offer a forgiving platform for beginners at an affordable price, while hard tops provide advanced surfers with the performance and maneuverability they crave. Whether you’re riding the foam or embracing the hardtop challenge, the most important factor is to enjoy the exhilarating experience of catching waves and riding the ocean’s energy.